Wednesday, June 12, 2024

When you are silent, I yearn for your words,

 When you are silent, I yearn for your words,

In the stillness, the longing seems to soar like birds.

When you don’t reply, I wonder if you are there,

Lost in thoughts, lost in the air.

I wish to be like other lovers, free and bold,

Yet I dare not ask, my heart too shy to unfold.

Our love has never been a reality, just a fleeting dream,

In the realm of uncertainty, where nothing's as it seems.

Still, I wish we can connect sometimes,

In the quiet moments, in between the chimes.

I would love to hear your sweet words,

Like melodies of love from singing birds.

So in silence, I'll wait for your reply,

Hoping for a moment when our hearts can fly.

Though our love may be a mystery,

I'll cherish the moments of sweet history.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sunny Day

 In the month of June, as monsoon arrives,

I listen to raindrops, nature's soft cries.

Outside my window, a symphony of splatter,

Green leaves glisten, dancing in the matter.

The sky is grey, devoid of the sun's light,

Rain clouds gather, painting day into night.

No need to venture out, no tasks to attain,

I lay in bed, watching the watery terrain.

I cherish the coolness, the serenity it brings,

As nature's orchestra melodiously sings.

In solitude, I find my solace and rest,

No yearning for company, I am truly blessed.

I ponder your whereabouts, the weather you see,

How would you react to the rain, if here you'd be?

Perhaps you'd dance in the downpour's embrace,

Or seek shelter, finding comfort in its grace.

As I revel in the rain's soothing embrace,

I am content in this tranquil, solitary space.

No longing for others, no yearning for more,

Just me and the rain, a bond to adore.

Life at a still

 It’s a sunny morning today, and as I sit in my living room, I find solace in the view outside. The garden is bathed in sunlight, casting a golden glow on the lush greenery. I remind myself to cherish this moment, to feel grateful for the beauty that surrounds me. Despite the looming weight of court cases to reclaim my money, I realize that I have put off enjoying life and appreciating the wonders of nature for far too long. I vow to savor each day as it comes, regardless of the outcomes of the legal battles ahead, determined not to miss out on the simple joys of living.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

A Journey of Contrasts

 Title: A Journey of Contrasts

Chapter 1: The Unexpected Invitation

My first trip to the United States was an unexpected adventure that began with a surprising invitation from an American company. As an Asian distributor, I found myself among a diverse group of people from Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia, all brought together for a sponsored holiday trip. However, I was alone in this journey, as my husband, battling with depression, could not join me.

Chapter 2: A Long Flight and Cultural Differences

Sitting in the airplane surrounded by chatter in different languages, I felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. The Thai manager made a kind gesture by arranging for my husband's ticket to be used by his daughter, bringing a smile to my face amid the bittersweet circumstances. The long flight from Bangkok to Los Angeles gave me time to reflect on the complexities of life and the cultural differences among us.

Chapter 3: Customs and Culinary Challenges

Upon arrival in the US, the group faced a peculiar challenge at customs. The strong smell of fish paste, a delicacy from Laos and Cambodia, raised eyebrows among the officers inspecting our belongings. I couldn't help but compare it to the milder version of the fermented fish paste we enjoy in Myanmar, noting the stark contrast in flavors and aromas.

Chapter 4: A Day at Disneyland

Our visit to Disneyland was a whirlwind of new experiences and cultural observations. Standing in long lines for rides, I watched couples ahead of me engaging in public displays of affection, a sight unfamiliar and intriguing to me. Witnessing parents openly displaying love and affection in front of their children was a stark departure from the reserved demeanor I was accustomed to back home.

Chapter 5: Reflections on Socialism and Capitalism

As I navigated the queues at Disneyland, memories of my country's socialist past flooded my mind. The days of rationing and waiting in line for basic necessities felt like a distant memory in the bustling capitalist environment of the US. I pondered the differences in economic systems and the impact they had on daily life, marveling at the efficiency of the capitalist model while grappling with its stark contrasts to my upbringing in a socialist society.

In this novel, the protagonist embarks on a journey that not only takes her across continents but also deep into the heart of cultural diversity and societal contrasts. Through her eyes, we witness the complexities of human experiences, the nuances of cultural differences, and the profound impact of economic systems on individual lives. A journey of contrasts, indeed, where the familiar meets the unfamiliar, and the past intertwines with the present in a tapestry of discovery and reflection.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Myanmar and its political situations and economic development.

 Myanmar and its political situations and economic development.

Myanmar is a country a victim of western trade sanctions impost on it since 1997.

It will be difficult for Myanmar to get economic development without foreign investments.

Myanmar sanctions itself against foreign trade and investments for 24 years after it practiced socialism.

When it decided to open trade and investments in 1991 there were 32 foreign bank representative offices opened. About 14 oil companies came to do offshore drilling. Many fishing companies came to invest . With these the economy stared to grow but in 1997 the western embargo made many foreign firms left Myanmar in a few weeks.

The Soros organization started a campaign against Visit Myanmar Year 1996 fair done by the military government to open tourism market to Myanmar.

Aung San Su Kyi the democracy leader who was put under house arrest after 1988 uprising told the western media to boycott her country.

In 2010 after making the constitution we had democratically elected leader U Thein Sein who tried his best to visit US and invited president Obama to visit Myanmar. 

S Korean president, Japan PM , Singapore president as well as President Obama and Hilary Clinton visited Myanmar. S Korean , Japan and a few US companies started to invest in Myanmar.

U Thein Sein opened the telecoms market and Ooredoo , Telenor and Japan company gets operator licenses. He allowed Car imports as well.

Suddenly people can afford mobile phones and cars are affordable which has been strictly controlled before. International schools started to open branches in Myanmar for the elite.

In 2015 as promised U Thein Sein allowed the opposition NLD party to enter the election and the popularity of Aung San Su Kyi made them win.

People hope she will lead the country to international accepted level .

The truth is she had no experience in managing a country nor a party. 

The foreign companies after meeting her sense the unwelcome tone for investors. She is more towards communism and state providing everything. Rather than inviting foreign companies she asked for donation from western governments like our people need to drink more milk, can you donate to the UK ex PM.

The investments have stopped since she came into power. Her counsel for economic policy who is an Australian graduate also has no knowledge about Myanmar situation nor experience in doing policy for small countries. He is also an NGO person who are all against people with power and wealth.

They have prejudice against the ill gained wealth of military people and their power during the period  of market opening since 1991. The new government tried to make tight rules for construction and loans of banks when all economic developments stalled.

It was until another election in 2020 when she said she wanted a landslide victory . The public will still vote her but it cannot be landslide but the people in charge cheated a lot so much so that other parties complaint to the commander in chief whom according to the  constitution can intervene if there is a discrepancy or illegal thing.   They tried to talk and make negotiation with her but she was adamant and had no respect for military and they have no choice had to take control.

Thus the vicious cycle of Myanmar under military rule since 1962 back again. 

Thus our country cannot plan for economic recovery with the more strict western sanctions in place.

I just wish we had a leader in opposition party who grew up in Myanmar , who was not a housewife, who can deal peacefully with the military leaders for the sake of the country and both shall have open arms and open policy for foreign investments .

The corruption is rampant just like Indonesia so the new government shall deal with it like China did in their country.

With the correct leader on top with transparent system enforced Myanmar can be on the right path for economic development in future.

In 2025 there will be an election. Hopefully we will see progressive leaders that time.

Khin Gyi.

Saturday, December 16, 2023