Yes things are changing again in my world as Buddha says , nothing is permanent. He does not love me anymore, she does not love him anymore. Only those who is suffering are those who insist in keeping things as before , who do not want changes. Thus frictions occur when people who do not want changes confront people who has moved on to another life or another relationship. Anicca , Dukkha, Anatta we use to say those words as Buddhism taught us. It is tough for us to cope with changing situations , changing environment making people change and adapt to their new life. Anatta- means un governable, we cannot control when these things happen. If you try to control you will suffer - dukkha, everyone will suffer if they attach themselves to the past . We are all formed to change and adapt accordingly to the environment. Look at the animals who change their coat color and habits for survival in different environments. Cause and effects - this is law of nature which is taught in Buddhism. The best thing is to accept the changes and adapt yourself to it instead of insisting things as before . Yes he or she has moved on and let them find their new happiness elsewhere away from you. For yourself , you have to take care of yourself first and immediate family and keep on existing in life , working on things who needs immediate attention from you.
For myself , the kids need me, the staff needs me , the office needs me, the projects need to be finished and realize money so I can pay salary to staff and get back for the expenses. My health needs to be taken care of so I stop drinking wine and curb my diet to one meal a day. I still need to do regular exercise which I have been struggling to do. We have new pitches , we have current clients to service properly. Companies to curb and keep registration and stream lined properly. Thus we have a lot to chew looking at our plate in front of us. Work has ended a relationship for me as the stress is too much for a couple to handle. Now I have to continue without my better half and always thankful that he is spared from these work related stress. I always have in my mind that I can be with him happily enjoying our life together again once I can stay out of business, once I neatly end the projects in hand. Meanwhile he has found peace without me and my environment which I am happy to know. Life is too short and situations may still be the same for me to release myself from my duties and in that case we might not meet again anymore.
But I stay in presence and always at presence with always working and hoping, Because in presence or in future , I will always look for harmony and peace to enjoy my life without any sufferings Dukkha. I shall not be with any one if they cause sufferings around me. We shall always meet in peace and love and create happy environment.